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Re: [Riminilug-general] Complimenti per avere risolto il problema del browser!

Il giorno gio, 25/05/2006 alle 03.22 +0200, Daniele Giombani ha scritto:
> Ciao Gabriele sono Daniele Giombani, complimenti per avere risolto il 
> problema del browser!

Grazie Daniele, .. io adesso li ho anche informati del problema e gli ho
anche allegato il file corretto... Di', vediamo se mi cacano. ;)

------- Messaggio inoltrato -------
Da: Gabriele Zappi <gzappi@xxxxxxxxx>
A: info@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: Tikiwiki.org links don't work with italian browsers... and
maybe a solution as well.
Data: Thu, 25 May 2006 01:38:44 +0200

Hi there,

I noticed that if I have a browser with italian language set, the links
in tikiwiki.org home page such as 'Download', 'Install', 'Contact', etc.
don't work. If I set NOT the italian language as first language in my
browser settings (eg. "en"), then the site works correctly.

Since I downloaded version and installed in my system, I
realized even in my local installation I had the same problem when I
tried to compile italian module (it). But in this case I could trace and
undestrand the mistake. 
The problem is due to some unbalanced quotes (") in the array definition
$lang, in the file {tiki_document_root}/lang/it/language.php.
Most likely, the problem is due, as usual, to the presence of accented
letters (à,ò,è) that has been bad translated during the migration within
two system with different localization setting or something like that ..
so the accented letter has also 'wiped out' the closed characters,
including the string delimiters ( double quotes  ").

However, hoping to help, I included a tar.gz file in the current mail,
which contains:

language.php.orig : The original language.php file under ../lang/it
language.php      : My version with correct accented letters
language.php.diff : The unified diff between the files mentioned above

With this new 'language.php' I solved the problem in my tikiwiki local
install, perfectly working in italian language right now.


Truly yours,


Saluti (Good bye)
Gabriele Zappi

+- Linux Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) - Kernel 2.6.16-1.2096_FC5
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