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Re: [Riminilug-general] OT - esempio di notizia "diversa" in giornalismo

Bbc World news: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4776449.stm

Penguins in Texas highway crash
...Trooper Richard Buchanan, of the Texas Department of Public Safety, said the penguins were thrown out of the truck after it overturned in the east of the state.

One rockhopper penguin died in the crash and a further three gentoo penguins were killed by oncoming traffic.

"The rest of the penguins kind of stayed together in a ditch," he said.

The octopus - who, like the fish, was being transported in a plastic bag - appeared unharmed, officials said. A few of the fish died after their bags burst."...

Cron.com: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/4103071.html

Truck carrying zoo animals overturns near Marshall

..."We had a penguin wreck," said Department of Public Safety Trooper Richard Buchanan. "They were thrown out into a ditch and in the roadway."...

Prima di finire nel fosso, scappavano sulla hightway

Enrico Rotelli

erotelli@xxxxxxxx  http://www.enricorotelli.it

mobile +39 339 5472580

via dell'Ospedale 15, 47900 Rimini

Uffici stampa, comunicazione istituzionale e d'impresa, editoria tradizionale, elettronica, web. Iscritto all'Ordine dei Giornalisti di Bologna dal 1994.

Enrico Rotelli

erotelli@xxxxxxxx  http://www.enricorotelli.it

mobile +39 339 5472580

via dell'Ospedale 15, 47900 Rimini

Uffici stampa, comunicazione istituzionale e d'impresa, editoria tradizionale, elettronica, web. Iscritto all'Ordine dei Giornalisti di Bologna dal 1994.

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