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[RiminiLUG-General] Acquisizione VHS con scheda Pinnacle Dazzle DVC 90

Salve, vi ricorderete dei miei "disperati" tentativi di convertire i VHS in digitale facendo l'acquisizione da un sintonizzatore analogico...
Mi sono evoluto ed ho preso la scheda nell'oggetto molto fiducioso perchè i forum che ho letto riportano molti successi.
Nel mio caso però...ho seguito queste istruzioni http://dougsland.livejournal.com/71516.html

ma quando eseguo il comando:
cico@cico-home-ubuntu:~$ mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:norm=PAL-M:device=/dev/video1:audiorate=48000:immediatemode=0:forceaudio:adevice=/dev/dsp1 -vf pp=lb

MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.5.2 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
Playing tv://.
TV file format detected.
Selected driver: v4l2
 name: Video 4 Linux 2 input
 author: Martin Olschewski <olschewski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 comment: first try, more to come ;-)
Selected device: Pinnacle Dazzle DVC 90/100/101/
 Capabilites:  video capture  audio  read/write  streaming
 supported norms: 0 = NTSC; 1 = NTSC-M; 2 = NTSC-M-JP; 3 = NTSC-M-KR; 4 = NTSC-443; 5 = PAL; 6 = PAL-BG; 7 = PAL-H; 8 = PAL-I; 9 = PAL-DK; 10 = PAL-M; 11 = PAL-N; 12 = PAL-Nc; 13 = PAL-60; 14 = SECAM; 15 = SECAM-B; 16 = SECAM-G; 17 = SECAM-H; 18 = SECAM-DK; 19 = SECAM-L; 20 = SECAM-Lc;
 inputs: 0 = Composite1; 1 = S-Video;
 Current input: 0
 Current format: YUYV
v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument
v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument
v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument
Selected input hasn't got a tuner!
Unable to open '/dev/dsp1': No such file or directory
Unable to open '/dev/dsp1': No such file or directory
Unable to open '/dev/dsp1': No such file or directory
v4l2: 0 frames successfully processed, 0 frames dropped.
Exiting... (End of file)

Sicuramente si tratta di trovare i parametri giusti.
Grazie per l'attenzione.