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[Riminilug-general] Aiuto per fax e ghostscript

Oggi ho voluto studiare l'invio di fax tramite linux e linea analogica.
Funziona tutto, tranne la trasformazione del file da inviare in un file .ps
per il fax.
Questo è il risultato del verbose dell'invio (come si vede è tutto ok:
utente2@1020gb:~/Desktop/prova_fax$ fax send -v 0541xxxxxx nomina_notaio.txt
nomina_notaio.txt is text...
/usr/bin/fax: line 787:  6515 Segmentation fault
     $EFIX -ve -otiffg3 -p$PAGEDIM -r$RES -n $1.%03d $TEXTFONT $1
efax: Thu Jun 28 18:37:36 2007 efax v 0.9a-001114 Copyright 1999 Ed Casas
efax: 37:36 Warning: only read 0 byte(s) from input file, assuming text
efax: 37:36 page 1 : nomina_notaio.txt.001 + 0 : 1728x2287 @ 204x196 dpi
efax: 37:36 argv[0]=efax
efax: 37:36 argv[1]=-v
efax: 37:36 argv[2]=chewmainrxtf
efax: 37:36 argv[3]=-v
efax: 37:36 argv[4]=chewmainrxtf
efax: 37:36 argv[5]=-d/dev/ttyS0
efax: 37:36 argv[6]=-x
efax: 37:36 argv[7]=/var/lock/LCK..ttyS0
efax: 37:36 argv[8]=-iZ
efax: 37:36 argv[9]=-i&FX3E&D2S7=120
efax: 37:36 argv[10]=-i&C0
efax: 37:36 argv[11]=-iM1L0
efax: 37:36 argv[12]=-l
efax: 37:36 argv[13]=+39 0541 xxxxxx
efax: 37:36 argv[14]=-kZ
efax: 37:36 argv[15]=-h
efax: 37:36 argv[16]=2007/06/28 18:37 +39 0541 xxxxxx Societa p. %d/%d
efax: 37:36 argv[17]=-t
efax: 37:36 argv[18]=T0549973423
efax: 37:36 argv[19]=nomina_notaio.txt.001
efax: 37:36 created text lock file /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0
efax: 37:36 opened /dev/ttyS0
efax: 37:36 command  "Q0V1"
efax: 37:36 waiting 2,0 s
efax: 37:36 .476 [ATQ0V1<CR><CR><LF>]
efax: 37:36 .480 [OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:36 response "OK"
efax: 37:36 command  "Z"
efax: 37:36 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:36 .588 [ATZ<CR><CR><LF>]
efax: 37:37 .808 [OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:37 response "OK"
efax: 37:37 command  "&FX3E&D2S7=120"
efax: 37:37 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:37 .916 [AT&FX3E&D2S7=120<CR><CR><LF>]
efax: 37:37 .928 [OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:37 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 command  "&C0"
efax: 37:38 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:38 .040 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 command  "M1L0"
efax: 37:38 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:38 .153 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 command  "E0"
efax: 37:38 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:38 .264 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 command  "I3"
efax: 37:38 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:38 .372 [<CR><LF>V2.061.5-V34_ACF_DS1<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 .388 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 command  "+FCLASS=?"
efax: 37:38 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:38 .501 [<CR><LF>0,1,1.0,80<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 .504 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 command  "+FCLASS=1"
efax: 37:38 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:38 .620 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 using V2.061.5-V34_ACF_DS1 in class 1
efax: 37:38 command  "+FTM=?"
efax: 37:38 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 37:38 .732 [<CR><LF>3,24,48,72,73,74,96,97,98,121,122,145,146<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 .753 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:38 response "OK"
efax: 37:38 dialing T0549973423
efax: 37:38 command  "DT0549973423"
efax: 37:38 waiting 120,0 s
efax: 37:53 .797 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:53 response "CONNECT"
efax: 37:53 connected
efax: 37:55 waiting 2,0 s
efax: 37:55 .705 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:55 response "OK"
efax: 37:55 received 43 bytes:
efax: 37:55  ff 03 20 00 00 21 01 cc 02 2d 48 02 9f 3c 10 52
efax: 37:55  53 20 4f 4e 41 54 49 54 20 53 59 53 45 48 54 01
efax: 37:55  0f 01 04 01 0a 03 61 e4 0b 40 49
efax: 37:55 received UNKNOWN
efax: 37:55 Warning: bit-reversed HDLC frame, reversing bit order
efax: 37:55 command  "+FRH=3"
efax: 37:55 waiting 35,0 s
efax: 37:55 .721 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:55 response "CONNECT"
efax: 37:56 waiting 2,0 s
efax: 37:56 .394 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:56 response "OK"
efax: 37:56 received 25 bytes:
efax: 37:56  ff c0 02 cc 4c 2c cc ec 9c 04 9c 2c ac 0c 04 04
efax: 37:56  04 04 04 04 04 04 04 6c 7c
efax: 37:56 received CSI - answering ID
efax: 37:56 remote ID ->          0549 973423
efax: 37:56 command  "+FRH=3"
efax: 37:56 waiting 35,0 s
efax: 37:56 .409 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:56 response "CONNECT"
efax: 37:56 waiting 2,0 s
efax: 37:56 .745 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:56 response "OK"
efax: 37:56 received 11 bytes:
efax: 37:56  ff c8 01 00 77 17 23 01 c8 42 61
efax: 37:56 received DIS - answering capabilities
efax: 37:56 remote has no document(s) to send, and can receive
efax: 37:56 local   196lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  0ms
efax: 37:56 remote  196lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   2D ECM-64   -  10/5ms
efax: 37:56 session 196lpi 14.4kbps 8.5"/215mm  any   1D    -     -  5ms
efax: 37:56 command  "+FTH=3"
efax: 37:56 waiting 3,1 s
efax: 37:56 .797 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:56 response "CONNECT"
efax: 37:56 sent 23 bytes:
efax: 37:56  ff c0 c2 6c 6c 8c 1c ec cc 04 8c 2c ac 0c 04 9c
efax: 37:56  cc d4 04 04 04 04 04
efax: 37:56 sent TSI - caller ID
efax: 37:56 waiting 13,6 s
efax: 37:58 .582 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:58 response "CONNECT"
efax: 37:58 sent 6 bytes: ff c8 c1 00 46 18
efax: 37:58 sent DCS - session format
efax: 37:58 waiting 13,6 s
efax: 37:59 .018 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:59 response "OK"
efax: 37:59 command  "+FTM=145"
efax: 37:59 waiting 3,1 s
efax: 37:59 .106 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 37:59 response "CONNECT"
efax: 37:59 waiting 30,0 s
efax: 38:02 .218 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:02 response "OK"
efax: 38:02 sent TCF - channel check of 2700 bytes
efax: 38:02 command  "+FRS=1"
efax: 38:02 waiting 3,0 s
efax: 38:02 .246 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:02 response "OK"
efax: 38:02 command  "+FRH=3"
efax: 38:02 waiting 3,0 s
efax: 38:02 .734 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:02 response "CONNECT"
efax: 38:03 waiting 2,0 s
efax: 38:03 .654 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:03 response "OK"
efax: 38:03 received 5 bytes: ff c8 21 57 be
efax: 38:03 received CFR - channel OK
efax: 38:03 command  "+FTM=146"
efax: 38:03 waiting 3,1 s
efax: 38:03 .694 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:03 response "CONNECT"
efax: 38:04 padding to 9 bytes/scan line.
efax: 38:04 header:[2007/06/28 18:37 +39 0541 xxxxxx Societa p. 1/1]
efax: 38:04 waiting 30,0 s
efax: 38:05 .246 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:05 response "OK"
efax: 38:05 sent 20+0 lines, 894+41 bytes, 1 s  7480 bps
efax: 38:05 command  "+FTH=3"
efax: 38:05 waiting 3,1 s
efax: 38:05 .346 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:05 response "CONNECT"
efax: 38:05 sent 3 bytes: ff c8 f4
efax: 38:05 sent EOP - done
efax: 38:05 waiting 13,6 s
efax: 38:06 .666 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:06 response "OK"
efax: 38:06 command  "+FRH=3"
efax: 38:06 waiting 3,0 s
efax: 38:07 .114 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:07 response "CONNECT"
efax: 38:07 waiting 2,0 s
efax: 38:07 .906 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:07 response "OK"
efax: 38:07 received 5 bytes: ff c8 31 45 8f
efax: 38:07 received MCF - page OK
efax: 38:07 sent -> nomina_notaio.txt.001
efax: 38:07 command  "+FTH=3"
efax: 38:07 waiting 3,1 s
efax: 38:07 .963 [<CR><LF>CONNECT<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:07 response "CONNECT"
efax: 38:07 sent 3 bytes: ff c8 5f
efax: 38:07 sent DCN - disconnect
efax: 38:07 waiting 13,6 s
efax: 38:09 .274 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:09 response "OK"
efax: 38:09 command  "H"
efax: 38:09 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 38:09 .874 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:09 response "OK"
efax: 38:09 command  "Q0V1"
efax: 38:09 waiting 2,0 s
efax: 38:09 .986 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:09 response "OK"
efax: 38:10 command  "Z"
efax: 38:10 waiting 5,0 s
efax: 38:11 .314 [<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>]
efax: 38:11 response "OK"
efax: 38:11 read HDB pid 6518 [      6518<LF>] from /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0
(our pid)
efax: 38:11 removed lock file /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0
efax: 38:11 done, returning 0 (success)

la persona che lo riceve però, riceve solo poche rihe:
   28/06/2007  17:31  +39 0541 xxxxxx
2007/06/28 18:33 +39 0541 xxxxxx Societa n1/1

E' come se creasse la copia del fax da spedire, vuota. Allora ho provato,
invece che inviare, a limitarmi nel creare la copia per il fax, ed infatti
mi da errore in tre prove diverse:
utente2@1020gb:~/Desktop/prova_fax$ fax make
/home/utente2/Desktop/prova_fax/nomina_notaio.txt is text...
/usr/bin/fax: line 787:  7342 Segmentation fault
     $EFIX -ve -otiffg3 -p$PAGEDIM -r$RES -n $1.%03d $TEXTFONT $1

utente2@1020gb:~/Desktop/prova_fax$ fax make nomina_notaio.txt
nomina_notaio.txt is text...
/usr/bin/fax: line 787:  7346 Segmentation fault
     $EFIX -ve -otiffg3 -p$PAGEDIM -r$RES -n $1.%03d $TEXTFONT $1

utente2@1020gb:~/Desktop/prova_fax$ fax make nomina_notaio.txt
nomina_notaio.txt is text...
/usr/bin/fax: line 787:  7349 Segmentation fault
     $EFIX -ve -otiffg3 -p$PAGEDIM -r$RES -n $1.%03d $TEXTFONT $1

Andando a vedere lo script /usr/bin/fax alla riga 787, noto che è l'inizio
della trasformazione (da file .txt in .ps), ma sembra che non gli venga
passato il nome del file da trasformare.
Ho pensato che il problema fosse in ghostscript che esegue la
trasformazione, ma tutti i programmi li ho:

Qualcuno sa dirmi perchè non riesce a trasformarmi dei semplici file .txt in
.ps da spedire??
(ho provato anche con robetta semplice tipo /etc/hosts, ma niente...)

Alessandro <alexdn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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