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Re: [riminilug-general] Wipe disk

Il giorno 12/nov/2014, alle ore 08:51, Fabio Parri <parrif_ibb@xxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
> Encrypting data before it is stored on the media may mitigate concerns about data remanence. If the decryption key is strong and carefully controlled, it may effectively make any data on the media unrecoverable. Even if the key is stored on the media, it may prove easier or quicker to overwrite just the key, vs the entire disk. This process is called crypto erase in the security industry.
> Che ne pensate? :)

Che pur essendo di principio giustissimo, rallenta di molto IO e consuma CPU.
Quindi bisogna bilanciare prestazioni e sicurezza :)

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